Argumentative research paper begins with
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Concert Critique of Mozart and The Height of Classicism Essay Example For Students
Show Critique of Mozart and The Height of Classicism Essay Show Critique of Mozart and The Height of Classicism On Sunday, December 07, 2003, I went to the Mozart and The Height of Classicism show that was held in the Lincoln Theater of the New World Symphony instrumental institute. Led by Nicholas McGegan including musician Robert Levin. There were two bits of music during this show, one of the developments was performed by the piano player alone as a performance, Mr. Robert Levin. The program’s title was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Chaconne from Idomeneo. The main piece was Concerto No. 24 in C minor for Piano and Orchestra, K. 491, Allegro, Larghetto, and Allegretto. The subsequent piece was Symphony No. 36 in C major, K.425, â€Å"Linz†, Adagio-Allegro spiritoso, Andante, Menuetto-Trio, and Presto. This show was extraordinary in that the center appeared to be as much on the instruments as in the music itself. As the piano player and conductor communicated the type of impromptu creation as Mozart did, which I will clarify further on my evaluate. The show started quickly at 3pm, when the director Nicholas McGegan entered the phase with the full performance center applauding, along all the individuals from the ensemble. All the people in the ensemble including the conductor were wearing every dark suit. Preceding his passage I saw that the ensemble started to play, clearly the show had not started, so I understood that they were simply conditioning their instruments. This additionally, happened when we came back from interlude. Being my first an ideal opportunity to an ensemble I previously imagined that they were messing with the instruments. The Allegro part was awesome. I discovered my self getting a charge out of the most the beginnings and endings of the developments. It likewise sounded upbeat, and brilliant. This one and Larghetto I appreciated completely since it was the start of the show. This was my first time going to an instrumental show. I saw how wonderful the music sounded and I started to welcome it significantly more. I can concede that how incredible and charming was, that I was in somewhat of a stun. This was nothing contrasted with tuning in to a reduced circle. I can say that my preferred instrument was the violin. The play it was played, and how perfectly it sounded, it resembled nothing I’ve hear previously. In this symphony I saw that most musician were for the most part ladies. I believe this was on the grounds that ladies have greater affectability, which appeared to be important to play the instrument. I additionally saw that motions of the individuals from the symphony. How they moved to the music while playing the instrument. This was utilized as motivation and vitality to play the music, and to move the sentiment of the instrument for the piece being played. It likewise communicated outwardly the music. The director specifically at times would even hop while leading the ensemble, he was excellent with his motions communicating and leading the piece. I have seen nothing like that, he was astounding. I referenced that I appreciated the most the beginnings and endings of the developments since this was the point at which I would hear the tune acquainted and united with a finale, through the adjustments in powerful, which were very fast. A few developments where a piece more slow, quiet and long all through the center. Earlier the third development of the main piece, Allegretto, Mr. Robert Levin had the piano arrangement in the ensemble, between the strings and the breezes. What was fascinating about this was he was confronting the group and you couldn’t see his hands. Additionally, that the piano didn't have a top, it was completely uncovered. Being wry, he clarified that this position was not intentionally positioned that way so the crowd couldn't see his hands, however for the acoustic explanation of direction for the breeze instruments. He referenced that on the off chance that he would have the top on the piano and open, at that point it would obstruct the sound originating from the breeze instruments behind him, which the string instruments use as a guide moreover. This sounded good to me due in light of the fact that the piano was a significant bit of the symphony for this development. Before the development started he played an example bit of C minor and D major, which is a represent ative note for the breeze instruments like he said. He did this to get the crowd in the temperament for the sound. Speedily after the brief presentation the symphony started the development by cooperating. In addition to the fact that it got the crowd, remembering my self for the state of mind for the accompanying development, yet I feel that without it I wouldn’t have appreciated or comprehended the piece the equivalent. .uc8a7ecc5ae1d051252043c019ee8fc3b , .uc8a7ecc5ae1d051252043c019ee8fc3b .postImageUrl , .uc8a7ecc5ae1d051252043c019ee8fc3b .focused content zone { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .uc8a7ecc5ae1d051252043c019ee8fc3b , .uc8a7ecc5ae1d051252043c019ee8fc3b:hover , .uc8a7ecc5ae1d051252043c019ee8fc3b:visited , .uc8a7ecc5ae1d051252043c019ee8fc3b:active { border:0!important; } .uc8a7ecc5ae1d051252043c019ee8fc3b .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .uc8a7ecc5ae1d051252043c019ee8fc3b { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; progress: murkiness 250ms; webkit-change: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .uc8a7ecc5ae1d051252043c019ee8fc3b:active , .uc8a7ecc5ae1d051252043c019ee8fc3b:hover { haziness: 1; change: mistiness 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .uc8a7ecc5ae1d051252043c019ee8fc3b .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc8a7ecc5ae1d051252043c019ee8fc3b .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-improvement: underline; } .uc8a7ecc5ae1d051252043c019ee8fc3b .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .uc8a7ecc5ae1d051252043c019ee8fc3b .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe sweep: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-embellishment: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc8a7ecc5ae1d051252043c019ee8fc3b:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .uc8a7ecc5ae1d051252 043c019ee8fc3b .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .uc8a7ecc5ae1d051252043c019ee8fc3b-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .uc8a7ecc5ae1d051252043c019ee8fc3b:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Animal Cruelty And Family Violence EssayOnce the primary piece finished the piano player, Mr. Robert Levin, referenced that he would exhibit genuine impressionism once we came back from recess. He requested that the crowd think of a couple of bars of music for him to play. He asked that solitary those that knew how to compose music to compose something old style that would sound something like Mozart so he would join it for the following piece. This sounded to me like the genuine Mozart which was known to pull music from his sleeves. I respected the way that the conductor and the piano player made this occasion all the more engaging by utilizing different techniques other than simply playing music. When we came back from the brief interlude which I just strolled around Lincoln street to extend my legs subsequent to sitting for about 90 minutes. The piano player, Mr. Robert Levin drew the bits of paper with music on them from a bushel. Around 20 of them were free eggs, as he alluded them as. Three which he drew from the crate he played. Two were from individuals from the symphony, and one was from a man that was sitting around 3 lines before me, in the overhang. Everybody acclaimed when the noble man stud, Mr. Levin appeared to be somewhat astounded and appreciative in the wake of getting out the gentleman’s name. For the subsequent piece, Symphony No. 36 in C major, K. 425, â€Å"Linz†, the piano had been set sideways before the symphony. This was the place the conductor was standing, and for the initial two developments Adagio-Allegro spiritoso, and Andante Mr. Nicholas McGegan, the conductor, didn't take an interest. It appeared that the piano player directed the ensemble those two developments. The main development was a piano concerto, which is the independent I had referenced before. The piano player had the spotlight all to him self. I didn't care for these two developments specifically. I delighted in more the others where the violins, viola, cello, woodwinds, bassoon, French horns and kettle drum assumed a greater job. I’m not saying that this piano concerto was loathsome yet I just didn’t appreciate as much the piano’s execution in those two developments. It may have been the piano player translation, and exercise of act of spontaneity. These two developme nts were the last execution of the musician and once the subsequent development finished the piano was expelled from the symphony. Mr. Robert Levin got his commendation once he completed and when he strolled once again from the drapes. Over everything I loved the show since it was a similar style of elegance. The last two developments Menuetto-Trio and Presto were directed by Nicholas McGegan. My most loved was unquestionably the last one, since it was so energizing, enthusiastic and quick paced. The kettle drum just as the various instruments sounded extraordinary. The kettle drum in this development played stronger and all the more every now and again that the various developments, including the past piece. There was just a single percussionist and he played two kettle drum. So at long last, I’ll end by saying again that the show was incredible, and very much performed. I anticipate going to the New World Symphony once more.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Global Warming in Asia Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
An Earth-wide temperature boost in Asia - Term Paper Example As the examination stresses one of the significant impacts of a worldwide temperature alteration is the decrease of creation in the rural part. Development of horticultural items in huge scope relies upon the climatic status of a locale. Horticultural items are useful as in they add to exchange and help to manage the gracefully of food among the Asian nations. During incredibly hot atmospheres, the development of some supportive plants, which may not be supported by warm climatic conditions, is influenced contrarily. Additionally, during the very wet atmospheres, the plants that do well just in warm climatic conditions end up not developing admirably or even not developing by any means. This demonstrates climatic switch winds up impacting the general agrarian creation. The agrarian segment is one of the most significant parts in each country, including Asia. It is a significant wellspring of food, which is a fundamental need of the residents. As indicated by the report discoveries individuals can't live without food, and it is the government’s duty to deal with such needs of the residents. Food gracefully should be kept steady inside the countries around Asia. Purchasing food from the worldwide brokers is likewise over the top expensive; the explanation concerning why the farming segment in the country is enormously respected. Aside from taking care of the Asian individuals, the horticultural area is likewise significant as in it gains critical incomes for the administration. The demonstrations of exchange animated by the Asian ranchers, help in cash dissemination in the included countries.
Monday, August 10, 2020
How to Decorate Your Home for Cheap
How to Decorate Your Home for Cheap How to Decorate Your Home for Cheap How to Decorate Your Home for CheapGetting creative with paint, throw pillows, and curtains can help make your home feel brand new for relatively little cost.Here comes spring! The spring train is almost here, choo-choo! And while we’ve already delivered you some advice on affordable spring cleaning, we know you want even more. You don’t just want the space you live in to be cleaner. You want a whole new space!No, we don’t mean finding a new apartment, though we’ve also got you covered on that front. We’re talking about interior decorating.And while interior decorating projects can get notoriously costly, they don’t have to be! Once again we’ve climbed the mountain and sounded our “finance advice†horn to gather the experts. Get ready to get your decorating on!A fresh coat of paint.There’s nothing like a new coat of paint to give you a brand new outlook every time you walk through your home. And if you’re willing to learn how to do it yourself, it won’t even have to be that pricey.“Painting is a nice way to add some interior design without breaking the bank,†suggested Jeff Neal, a project manager with Capital Coating.“Instead of buying new molding, you can paint it. Or, instead of replacing the handrails, those can be painted. Its much cheaper to paint cabinets than ripping out old ones and replacing them. And a person can even use epoxy paint on a counter to give it a faux marble finish.Painting does require some application skill. But if committed, and paying attention, the homeowner can make some drastic changes.â€Throw in some pillows.Sometimes the classics are classic for a reason.“Add throw pillows,†recommended Darla DeMorrow (@darlademorrow), certified professional organizer, founder of HeartWork Organizing, and author of Sort and Succeed. “It seems cliché, but always turns out to be true. Swap out your pillows for fresh, seasonal versions.To stay thrifty, take that idea one step further and just swap out the c overs, using any pillow as a pillow form. You can find pillow covers online and in retail outlets, but you’ll still be limited to colors and patterns.Learn to sew your own, or even experiment with no-sew iron-on tape or fabric glue. You can often find designer fabric remnants in high-end home décor stores at a fraction of their original price.Or keep an eye out for beautiful fabric scarves in thrift stores, curtains, or even tablecloths in places like TJ Maxx, and repurpose the fabric.â€Use what you have.You may already have various treasures around the home which you can use to redecorate.“Redecorating can get expensive, but it doesn’t have to be,†advised smart shopping expert Trae Bodge (@truetrae). “Based on the ideas that appeal to you, take a close look at the items you already own and see how those existing items can serve as foundation pieces for your new plan.â€And you can never underestimate the value of recycling.“If you have decorative towels or some extr a linen lying around, you can create cheap and interesting pillowcases,†offered Bryan Stoddard, director of Homewares Insider (@homewaresinside).Embrace the curtains.Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain! Instead, just take another look at the lovely curtain itself!“You might have heard that hanging new curtains is an expensive decorating decision,†began Stephany Smith, part of the handyman crew at Fantastic Services (@Fantastic). “However, this is not really a general truth, and in most cases, has an impressive home decor effect.“Here are our handyman tricks to dress up your windows and avoid wasting money on curtains:Fix a curtain rod four to six inches above the window frame. Also, install a wider rod. You’ll be surprised at how much longer your windows will look. This will also allow more sunlight to come in.Opt for light and gauzy fabrics, gentle and natural tones. They have an inviting character and point to a refined taste. And don’t worry about the price! Shop with confidence as light and cotton curtains are amongst the cheapest ones you’ll find on the market.“If you want to express your personal taste at a cheap price, consider painting your old curtains. Unlock your imagination and go for do-it-yourself splatter paint curtains, dotted, patterned, striped ones or whatever you like. Just select a distinct paint color, a paintbrush, or a sponge to achieve that one-of-a-kind look.â€Shop smart.No matter what decoration choices you make, if you take a smart approach to shopping, you’ll be able to keep your costs under control.Erin Fausel, a lifestyle blogger at American Freight Furniture Mattress (@AmericanFreight), offered a list of techniques to take your interior decorating shopping trip to the next level:“Do your homework. Once you find a piece you like, do yourself a favor and shop around at different retailers to pinpoint the best deal. You might be surprised to find your go-to interior decorating store might not o ffer the best prices.“Hit your local flea market. It’s easy to find beautiful, one-of-a-kind pieces for a great price at flea markets or even garage sales.“Wait for sales. If you don’t have an immediate need, hold on to your catalog or keep an item in your shopping cart online to purchase at the right time. You’ll need to check back on the product often to watch the price fluctuate.“Stick to a budget. You’ll naturally become a bargain hunter if you have a list of items and a firm budget. One easy way to accomplish this is to only shop with cash! Once you run out of it, you’re done shopping. Look for lower prices so you can get more for your money.“Shop over time. Instead of furnishing an entire room at once, take your time and spread out the expenses over a few months. Purchase one new item every week so that your finances aren’t dramatically impacted by your new spending habit.â€And she wasn’t the only one who urged the importance of shopping smart.“Be stra tegic about where you shop,†recommended Bodge. “After all, you could spend $250 per panel on curtains at Neiman Marcus or $30 per panel at Target or Wayfair. Other places I like for budget-friendly accent items are IKEA, Joss Main, World Market, Home Depot, and Amazon.Also, look for available discounted gift cards from a site like Gift Card Granny. As an example, there are discounted gift cards for 14 percent off for Target, which means that by shopping at Target with that card, you automatically save yourself 14 percent.â€Mirror, mirror.Before we go, let’s take some time to reflect.“If you have an older mirror that you just dont use, convert it into an effective tray,†suggested Stoddard. “It will perfectly fit into bedrooms and living rooms. You can place fragrance bottles or candles on the mirror-tray.â€There’s no limit to options for updating your interiors. Hopefully, these suggestions have given you a good jumping off point! To learn more about saving money on home-related expenses, check out these other posts and articles from OppLoans:9 Ways to Stay Cool for Less12 Tips for Getting Rid of (and Selling) Your Extra ClutterHow You Can DIY Your Way to Cheaper Home Maintenance9 Tips for Keeping Your Security DepositDo you have a personal finance question youd like us to answer? Let us know! You can find us on Facebook and Twitter. | InstagramContributorsAmerican Freight Furniture Mattress (@AmericanFreight) offers quality name brand furniture like mattresses, living room sets, dining room tables, and bedroom packages and discounted prices.Trae Bodge (@truetrae) is an accomplished lifestyle journalist and TV commentator who specializes in smart shopping, personal finance, beauty, toys, parenting, and retail. In addition to monthly Best Buys segments on CBS2 NY, Fox 5 NY and ABC/WJLA in DC, she has appeared on dozens of TV shows, including Rachael Ray, Inside Edition, CNBC and network affiliates nationwide. Trae has been named a T op Voice in Retail by LinkedIn and a top personal finance expert by GoBankingRates and FlexJobs. She is a contributing editor at Womans Day magazine and her writing and expert commentary have also appeared in Forbes,, Kiplingers, Marketwatch, MSN Money, Yahoo Finance, VICE Guide to Life and numerous others.Darla DeMorrow’s (@darlademorrow) business and blog, HeartWork Organizing, helps people lead more peaceful lives. She is a Certified Professional Organizer ®, decorator, mom of two, and an international speaker. Her book series SORT and Succeed outlines five simple steps to help you organize stuff, time, information and photos. Get your free copy of 31 Simple Tips for Organizing Nearly Everything at Neal has been a project manager for a commercial painting contractor for 6 years in Pennsylvania and Maryland. He has overseen hundreds of projects from start to completion, ensuring quality, timeliness, and customer satisfaction. His knowled ge of surface preparation and coatings ensures the proper paint specifications are being applied in every situation. As of January 2020, he is working with Capital Coating.Stephany Smith is part of the handymen crew at Fantastic Services (@Fantastic). With 25+ top-notch home improvement services in its portfolio, Fantastic Services is the one-stop shop for all home, garden, and office needs on 3 continents (Europe, USA and Australia). Starting its journey back in 2009, the company delivers 40,000+ services to over 35,000 customers each month in a much better way through guaranteed workmanship, innovation and technology. Currently, about 15,000 UK clients connect with 2,000 fully trained and insured professionals every month. The company constantly expands its coverage, partnership networks and service portfolio to turn their homes or offices into something really special!Bryan Stoddard runs a website called Homewares Insider (@homewaresinside) that explores all things related to homes, interior design, furniture, and gardening. Im also a passionate home designer that loves to tinker with DIY and design schemes.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
How Democracy Is Influenced On Democracy - 1310 Words
How The Constitution’s Affects Democracy Ayanna Schoolfield Mrs. Cranon- Charles Political Science 13 November 2015 Ayanna Schoolfield Mrs. Cranon-Charles Political Science November 13, 2015 Before we take a look on how democracy is influenced and what role does the Constitution play when discussing the effects on democracy, we must first know what democracy is. The formal definition of democracy is a form of government by the people, but what we need to further evaluate what this really means. According to David Plotke in his article Representation is democracy, democracy is when the people have representatives who aim to fulfill their needs and achieve different targets that the people want. Ultimately, the people are†¦show more content†¦There are 4 parts of the Constitution that specifically affects democracy and its success in serving the people of America. The first element of the Constitution I want to dive into is the three branches of government, otherwise knows as the legislative branch, the executive branch, and the judicial branch. The ideal of the Constitution was to give America a healthy, stable, and legitimate government with limited powers to avoid conflicts between authority and the people. In other words, the Constitution was designed to dodge totalitarianism. In order to avoid this form of government, the Constitution came up with an elaborate way to separate powers between the government and the result was the three branches of government. The three branches of government’s job was to ensure a fair and strong government by equally separating power among the three. It’s job as a whole was also to prevent too much power or the abuse of power to one central person in the government. Although this may seem like enough information on how this affects democracy, we still need to assess exactly what the three bran ches of government do for us as the people and how it represents the people of the government since that it was democracy is. The first of the three branches of government is the legislative branch. The legislative branch includes the Congress, Senate, and the House of
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Discussing Diversity And Diversity On Campus Through Your...
Discussing diversity and inclusivity, specifically in the context of a university, is an extremely hard subject to broach. It can be sensitive for some, or even difficult to acknowledge for others. However, it is one of many subjects that, while difficult, is also equally as important to discuss. And when it is discussed in a manner that acknowledges its importance while being conscience of its sensitive nature, it can be truly beneficial and enlightening to the reader, which I believe you’ve accomplished extremely well. I would first like to take a closer look at how you refer to diversity on campus through your article. You describe it as something we as a society view only as a number or statistic, as a way for an organization to be able to make the claim that they are not â€Å"involved with the specter of racism.†You also make the claim that because of diversity being viewed as a number, it gives organizations a way to avoid combating circumstances and actions of racism by presenting a statistic of diversity that, upon closer inspection, really has no correlation to racism. I think these points a very legitimate. lists SIUC as being above the national average of ethnic diversity, yet this tells us nothing about instances of racism occurring on campus. However, you focus a lot on how this view of diversity being reduced to a number affects organizations and how these organizations may incorrectly use this perspective to combat the idea of racism existingShow MoreRelatedLeadership Qualities Of A Leader1687 Words  | 7 Pagesto what a leader should be like, but what exactly makes a leader a LEADER? 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Rapid Changes in Sentencing Structures Free Essays
With this in effect it gave offenders to rehabilitate in prison. With good behavior in prison it could release them sooner rather than later (depending on the procedure’s of the parole board). The parole board would review their case and determine if the inmate has â€Å"changed†while being incarcerated, and would then be released serving the remainder of their sentence on probation. We will write a custom essay sample on Rapid Changes in Sentencing Structures or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the mid CSS, indeterminate sentencing began to meet its final days. Indeterminate sentencing received much criticism, expressing that it was â€Å"inequitable and ineffective and both too harsh and too lenient,†but that it was also â€Å"impossible to determine a ‘correct’ or ‘fair’ sentence for a type of rime†(Overview of Sentencing Reforms and Practices, 2000). The first states to discard the main points on indeterminate sentencing and to have the belief that parole should be accessible to nearly all those incarcerated were California and Maine (Toner, 1999). The causes of these changes spanned from the prisoners themselves, all the way to the political arena. Prisoners showed just how irate prisoners were with not only the concept of rehabilitation, but also with their living conditions. These issues were brought to the foreground by many prison riots, most notably at Attica. On September 3, 1971 , prisoners at the Attica Correctional Facility in New York waged a riot that has been deemed ‘the bloodiest prison confrontation in American history’ (Attica Revisited, 2006). Roughly 1,300 prisoners took part, taking 40 guards hostage, with demands of improved living conditions, and more educational opportunities and job training skills. In the end, negotiations failed, police took back the prison, but not without 43 deaths, 10 of which were that of the guards held hostage. Prisoners were not happy with the rights that they had when it came to sentencing as well. Many believed that ‘broad discretion produced arbitrary ND capricious decisions and that racial and other invidious biases influenced officials’ (Toner, 1999). Considering that many of those involved in the sentencing and releasing of prisoners are not subject to review, Toner has a valid point. There is no set standard for indeterminate sentencing, so judges had fairly free reign as to sentences. And it seemed to some, that criminals of different races and classes were often given vastly different sentences for committing the same crime, otherwise known as sentencing disparity. Even though incarceration should be about rehabilitating prisoners and leasing them back into society as productive members, unfortunately it has become about politics. Those running for office always want to appear to be tough on crime, and indeterminate sentencing appears to some to be too soft. Allowing prisoners to earn their freedom before they have served their maximum sentence is not punishment in the eyes of those that believe prisoners should be locked up and made to do hard time. The idea of rehabilitation itself was also challenged. Between 1970-2000, parole rates were deteriorating. According to the American Criminal Law Review, fifteen tastes had done away with parole and twenty states had severe restrictions in place by 2000 (Rehear, 201 1). Those offenders, who continued to commit crimes, even after being granted parole time and time again, undermined the rationale that parole was part of rehabilitation. As you can see, many factors came to a head to in producing rapid changes In sentencing structures, and there is no doubt that changes will not end there. Corrections is always reviewing their system, and making assessments as to what works and what doesn’t, and trying to come up with more cost effective ways to deal tit prisoners and how to rehabilitate them all while punishing them as well. How to cite Rapid Changes in Sentencing Structures, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Impact of Globalization for Siemens Company- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theImpact of Globalization for Siemens Company. Answer: Globalization, which has been termed as that process where individual countries become less influential in relation to their cross-national bodies, is continuing to make the world a global village. This has impacted on the international community and companies in one way or the other. Siemens, for example, is a multinational organization which offers electrical and electronic devices is greatly affected by globalization in their quest to improve their global market (Stefan, 2006). With headquarters based in Germany, the company aims to dominate the spectrum of electrical and electronic engineering in the world and as such, globalization is a major factor. Therefore, this paper assesses and explains the impacts of globalization and emerging markets on Siemens Company. In the current world, there are several market opportunities that are arising. This has been greatly facilitated by globalization which has not only reformed market policies from the various governments into having a free market economy but also eliminated market barriers (Gregg Rey, 2006). Therefore, Siemens Company has found a leak way to expand its electronic markets to the new emanating markets across the world. Moreover, the transformation has made it possible for the company to access different world markets in the attempts to expand its market share. Considering the electrical and electronic operations of Siemens Enterprise, globalization has manifested a lot in the technology acquisition and advancement. Having operated for several decades, the company is seeking new ways to reduce the cost of production through technological advancements. According to Steger, this leads to quality products to keep its customers on the move (2010). Additionally, there is increased sharing of technological ideas with various companies worldwide. This increases technological innovations and inventions for the companys benefit. The emerging markets are in demand for latest technologies and therefore the Siemens Company also makes tremendous efforts to be updated so as to increase their sales. Globalization, therefore, accelerates the speed of technology transfer and advancement. Hence the company makes good use of this fact and rapidly updates itself so as to capture the customers and market expectations. Further, globalization is a major factor when it comes to competition for the available and emerging markets. There are companies that share a common field of production as the Siemens Company. These companies compete for the market dominance and as such, every company has to keep its game on top so as to succeed. In most cases, competition is usually good due to the fact that it leads to the production of high-quality products for consumers. The customers do have a large multiple of choices and prefer to go for quality and price. Fortunately, competition is even enhanced by globalization and this does affect the operations of Siemens companies in most cases (Burstein and Vogel, 2010). Also, globalization has impacted differently on the diversification of the management structure for the Siemens company profile. The introduction of a global picture has also brought about a new company structure with an aim of serving the world market. There has been decentralization of some managerial offices to different parts of the globe (Gorodnichenko Terrell, 2010). This has made it easy to locally make good use of the companys reputation to maintain the local customers. There are different cultures across the world with different desires or demand. Therefore, having a local management team ensures that the company gets well conversant with the nature of demand required at the locality. Hence, globalization has called for the establishment of several managerial units worldwide so as to effectively communicate with the customers on the ground and provide their desires as expected. Moreover, there has been easy access to cheap labor and raw materials which are a positive impact to the Siemens Company attributed to globalization. For instance, the company set up some retail outlets in the emerging markets in different parts of continents such as Asia, Europe, Australia, and America. As a result, they managed to acquire some cheap but skilled labor force which varied among the locations (Steger, 2010). Also, there were several readily available materials in some continents. Some authors do argue that globalization is a stabilizing factor in the world economy. However, according to the theory of conventional economy, globalization also poses some negative impacts towards the operation of international organizations. The theory further illustrates that the benefits of globalization will be short-lived and the economy will turn against us of the economic downturn extends for a long period and nothing was done for the giant companies like Siemens (Iammarino et al., 2008). Conclusion The Siemens Company has continued to strategize on its production despite being in the industry for several decades. However, much still needs to be done for it to outdoor its competitors and gain adequate stability. As such, the company should be recommended to improve on their level of management coordination, work on their policies and promotions and provide good pay scale to employees. These recommendations will boost the productivity of the company for the better outcome. Reference Stefan Becker, F. (2006). Globalization, curricula reform and the consequences for engineers working in an international company.European Journal of Engineering Education,31(3), 261-272. Burstein, A., Vogel, J. (2010).Globalization, technology, and the skill premium: A quantitative analysis(No. w16459). National Bureau of Economic Research. Gorodnichenko, Y., Svejnar, J., Terrell, K. (2010). Globalization and innovation in emerging markets.American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics,2(2), 194-226. Gregg, F., Rey, H. (2006). Globalization and emerging markets: With or without crash?.The American Economic Review,96(5), 1631-1651. Iammarino, S., Padilla-Prez, R., Von Tunzelmann, N. (2008). Technological capabilities and globallocal interactions: the electronics industry in two Mexican regions.World Development,36(10), 1980-2003. Steger, M. B. (2010).Globalization. John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
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